Web design & development

Stellar Digital provides in-house web design and development for websites and web applications suitable for your goals and needs.
Web Design
Talented designers will carefully craft a custom template mock-up according to your specifications while giving constructive input.
Web Development
A full cycle of development and support will follow. We leave no stones unturned during this process and keep you informed step by step.
Branding Design
Your company’s brand and vision will be clearly articulated in each stroke. We don’t just design websites, we design brands.
Mobile Application
Your website will be built with responsive design in mind. This means it’ll look fantastic on both web browsers and high-end mobile devices.


Design begins from research of needs of your target audience. The second step is prototyping and testing. This ensures that you get not just a pretty picture, but the finished product which fulfills your purposes.


Our lead engineer will develop an individual structure of your project, which will serve you for many years and support scalability. Our code is always written with W3C standards, ensuring high quality and safety.

The perfect balance

We design and develop balanced websites.

Stellar Digital is not just another web development company. Our bread and butter is marketing and branding. This means we not only build high quality websites, but also websites with the success of brands and businesses in mind.

We build websites with a balance of branding, search engine optimization, company vision and high-quality code.

Branding 100%
Search Engine Optimization 100%
Company Vision 100%
Quality 100%

Stellar work flow

The 4 Simple Steps and Approach Stellar Digital Uses.

Research & Analysis


Design & Development


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